This shirt is definitely for the Sally's of the world, people who are sure a smile is more meaningful than a frown, and who can't wrap their minds around a solemn, sad sack the Savior. After all, He welcomed the children.
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
-Matthew 19:14
If you're Christian, you've heard sermons on this short passage, many of which, in my opinion, miss the point. He didn't just say, "Be like the children." He welcomed the actual children. He wanted to spend time with them.
You know what happens when you spend time with children. Eventually someone has to show off a new skill – a headstand or a cartwheel. Or maybe they burp the alphabet, tell an outlandish story, or demonstrate their fluency in Pig Latin.
Children would almost certainly have made Christ laugh. They're good at that kind of thing. It comes from being joyous.
If you're a particularly lucky adult, you may be joyous too. Sally was, but if you're like me, you probably get caught up in the cares and concerns of adulthood. Bills. Health issues. World events. The list goes on and on. No wonder prayer so often feels like an obligation. With prayer, we carry such heavy burdens.
Maybe every once in a while, we need to approach prayer like the children would – with joy in our hearts and maybe a really awesome knock knock joke. After all, I for one still can't do a worthwhile cart wheel.
Joyful Words
You gave us all
the ability to laugh
and the desire to play.
Please help me
to not confuse
taking You seriously
with taking myself
too seriously.
Please help me
to remember
that a laugh and a smile
and a bit of fun
can go a very long way
toward correcting
so much that is wrong
both in me
and in the world.
Help me to rediscover
the childhood joy and spontaneity
with which I once approached
Your world.