2016-07-27 2016-07-27

This weekend I got an answer.

As my husband so often has to do, he dragged me away from the house for the weekend. He ignored my complaints about tasks unfinished and turned off my computer. Then we all loaded the car and drove.

Instead of spending the weekend writing, responding to e-mail and ripping up carpet, we stayed in a lakeside lodge. We fished. We hiked. We searched for quartz. We found wild persimmon trees.

We also watched one high energy three-year-old give a serious workout to no less than eight adults, loving relatives all. They took him fishing, helped him color and watched Scooby Doo. Everyone willingly pitched in. Here was a child awash in love.

It isn't that there are no good people in the world. It isn't that there are no unspoiled places for us to enjoy God's creation. These things simply don't make good copy. We have to get out there where they are. Put down the paper. Push away from the computer. Quit letting your take on the world come only through what the media chooses to feed you.

Go find the answers to your questions where God put them – out in the world. There you can find God's Creation. You can share life with real people loving real kids because they really want to do it.

Not that you won't find problems that need solving and children that need rescuing, but when you also draw on loving and blessed examples, you will have the strength to go down on your knees and pray. You will have the energy to get up again and do what you can to help those in need around you.

Help Me See

Please help me look away
from the narrow view
created by the media.
Please help me go
into the world
and find families who love.
Help me open myself
to the natural wonders
You have put all around me,
from dew on a leaf
to mountains soaring overhead.
With Your help,
may I move
with a sense of purpose
as I seek out
ways to do Your will,
ways to love Your children,
ways to sing Your praise.



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