
"Bread? Home-made bread?"

I love to make bread, but my kitchen is small and bread is really involved. Or at least involved compared to most of what I cook. My grandmother made sauerkraut from scratch. Bread is not nearly that involved.

I am working really hard on hearing heard although I felt a warning might be in order.

"Its my grandmother's recipe," I told my friend. "Lots of sugar and eggs and butter. You know what that means? It isn't really good for you."

"But it has to be wonderful!" she said. "If it isn't too much trouble."

It is wonderful, but I just started a new job, my son has had tons of homework, and he just received a bundle of Scout badges and patches that I now have to sew on.

But, it is really good bread. My grandmother made it every week for Sunday supper – the meal where she also made fried chicken after catching the chicken. It wasn't just Sunday that was busy either. She sewed her kids' clothing from chicken feed sacks – nice looking sacks became dresses, ugly sacks were underwear – and she washed all this laundry on the back porch in a washer with a ringer.

Still, that bread is so good. Just holding a warm roll makes me smile. I feel loved.

Ok, ok. I'm listening.

It's time to share His love. I should be able to find the time. I don't have to crank my laundry through a ringer and all that.

Besides, while I'm kneading the dough, I'll have time to pray for my friend and her family and for the ability to hear what is being said and, maybe on a really good day, even hear what isn't said out loud.

Truly Giving

Sometimes I don't want to hear
what is being said so clearly to me.
The solution I've already devised
is less work,
takes less time,
and isn't nearly as much trouble.
Help me to see that to give
as You would have me give
means dipping
into what I'd rather keep.
Help me hear what is being said
as well as what is not.
Help me do what you would have me do,
as a way to Praise You who gave me all.




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