2016-07-27 2016-07-27

“Jesus, please bless Mommy and Daddy and sister and brother and Grandma and Uncle Max and my dog, Charlie, and my dolly, Jessie Jo, and my teacher and my bus driver and...”

These prayers are innocent and heartfelt- a stream of consciousness from the mouths of babes to their Creator's ear. Why don't we pray like this anymore?

There's no reason we can't, and Prayables.com is determined to make it easier for women everywhere. What better way to remind ourselves to pray with the sincerity of a child than by watching them? That's where comes into play.

Prayables.com is proud to announce its first video submission competition- Starting on January 1st, we'll be accepting video submissions at featuring little girls under the age of 12 saying their prayers. The public (including your friends and family!) will vote for their favorite, with prizes being given to the most voted for videos.

Fifth and fourth place winners of will receive a plush “prayer bear” for their little girl and a copy of our new book, . In addition to these fabulous prizes, third place will receive a $25 gift card and second place will receive a $50 Amazon gift card. Hold onto your hats, because the Grand Prize winner will receive, in addition to the bear and book, a $250 Amazon gift card!

Why the big hoopla over little girls praying? The fact of the matter is that most of women have lost touch with the concept of genuine conversation with their higher power. Entirely overhauling years of conditioning in prayer practice doesn't happen overnight, but with the help of some youthful muses, it can be a little bit easier. aims to create a veritable how-to for women seeking to reconnect with their higher power the way they used to when they were kids by showing them how the pros do it.

Get your submissions together and mobilize your voting troops! The competition ends January 22nd, so you'll need to move fast. - all the cool kids are doing it!


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