2016-07-27 2016-07-27

"In this thought-provoking lecture, bestselling author Dennis William Hauck reveals the secrets of the ancient art of transformation and shows how the universal principles of alchemy can be applied in the modern world. Though the alchemists spoke of retorts, furnaces, and chemicals, they were really talking about changes that were taking place in their own bodies, minds, and souls. This level of work by true alchemists, such as mathematicians Isaac Newton and John Dee, went far beyond the foolish efforts of medieval charlatans who sat at their furnaces frantically pumping their bellows trying to change lead into gold. A book signing will follow the lecture. Space is limited."

"...secrets of the ancient art of transformation." Well, just dangle a tall glass of ice-water in front of me while stranded in the Sahara!  If a phrase like that didn't make your eyes rolls with snarky cynicism, chances are it piqued your interest.  Even if only a little.  Because aren't we all seeking transformation of some kind?  Isn't there some aspect about our self, our life or our world that we wouldn't love to see in a just slightly improved, or transformed, version?  I answer "yes" to all of those. 

Ever since that day I realized how insistently things like fungus, bacteria, weeds, etc. grows, I GOT how destined and designed I am for growth!  And I am strongly drawn to people and things that assist that process.  Which is pretty much everyone and everything -- including a Saturday afternoon lecture on .

Transformation Redo me...
Fewer fears and lesser issues.
So the small, petty, parts of me,
that cling to babyhood would be nursed away
because, as they say,
"Too much light can make a baby go blind."
But I want the light without the blindness.

So this baby's got to grow and transform;
not as a worm with wings,
but as a new creation altogether.
This isn't easy, so I thank You
for holding me steady
as You make me new.

-Erika Harris


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