Imagine you're looking for a job, when your dream opportunity opens up at a company with a fabulous reputation. You want this job. You want it badly. Then you find out, serendipitously, that a good friend of yours from college is on the hiring committee. You'd reach out to your friend, wouldn't you?
It's the same with Catholics and saints. Saints are people, first and foremost. They're not angels or other supernatural beings. They lived here on earth. They're relatable. But they also know God. Intimately! They live with him!
Catholics pray exclusively to their higher power, to God. But we aren't above asking a friend to put in a good word for us. And that's where saints fit in. They're that old college friend on the hiring committee, someone who has pull with "the big guy/gal."
So we ask. I know; it looks suspiciously like prayer. The saints we're talking to aren't in the room with us, after all. But it isn't. It's intercession. Certain saints are associated with certain types of intercession: Saint Lawrence, my patron saint, is the patron saint of cooking. Saint Jude responds to lost causes. Saint Anthony is good to talk to about finding lost objects. Think of saints as an extra line of communication with God.
I don't have a problem with intercession. It makes sense to me. That doesn't mean I agree with everything the Catholic Church does or says. Far from it. But that's another blog entry altogether. READ MORE CATHOLIC MYTHS!
Intercession Prayer
I know You're there,
but where?
Worries are poking at me,
my job, my family, my life.
I can't feel You today,
and I am afraid.
Where are You?
Please make Yourself present—
clear and tangible—
let me feel You near me
in the common moments of my life,
in my breathing and being,
in my most terrifying
and trying times.
Take my fears away.
Help me go past them,
to peace.
-Lori Strawn