2016-07-27 2016-07-27

I have it easy. Working hard should never be confused with a hard life. Your life is an easy one if you have work to do, even if the work isn’t easy. So what is the work you do? Is it a business job, mommy job, school job, none or all of the above?

My friend Alissa followed what is a typical career path in my social circles. She worked a few years teaching school, until starting a family. She added three mornings a week as a pre-school teacher when the kids got a little older. And she rounded out her extra time taking care of aging parents when she became an empty-nester. It was all practice for her present job: Super Granny!

Alissa is one of the new breed of grandmothers. She’s a young fifty-five, with endless energy to drive carpools, mingle with the mommies at her G-kid’s soccer games, and routinely host over-nighters. She’s the ultimate caregiver for everyone in her family and a devoted friend. Her life’s work is other people.

I’m reflective as I compare Alissa’s chosen path to mine. I have a completely different set of neurons firing up my energy supply. It’s not that I neglect my family— I do many of the same things Alissa does, but in much smaller bites. There is something driving me towards achievements outside of my inner circle.

In the on-going dialogue I have with God, that starts with my morning blessing: "Blessed are you oh God, for giving me renewed energy for life," I continually ask, why? Why am I not more like Alissa, or my own mother? Super women who hold down a home front in the same way ran . Why am I more inspired by the brilliant female business leaders, like , the do-it-all icon?

Think about your own worth ethic, ambitions, and what gets you fired-up. Be grateful to have God has your partner, providing you with the energy to make your lifestyle work for you.

This morning I wake and I thank You.
For the gift of seeing a new day begin,
and the energy I'll need, to make it through today.

When the day is over and nighttime comes,
I will thank You.
For the gift of knowing a day has been well-spent
and for the tranquility that comes with a darkened sky.
Morning to night, a precious cycle.
I am each day, grateful.

-Rachel Lee


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