
I wonder if my friend Carri would agree. She was the Director of Mentoring at a bank. She taught me that mentoring is typically thought of as a more altruistic relationship. When you hear “mentor” you think older and wiser person taking younger person under their wing: , kind of thing.

It occurred to me that the mother-daughter relationship is mentoring. I counsel and advise my daughter Rachel, and share all the benefits of my hard-earned wisdom. And she does the same for me. How would I know about , going bare-legged in heels, and if it weren’t for my daughter? How would Rachel learn the joy of an , spraying your dress with , or freezing candles to prevent drips, if I didn’t teach her?

Rachel will tell you, I have a tendency for TMI (too much information.) I am often guilty of taking it a notch below (literally) where it needs to be. The following story will be one of those times...

Awhile back there was a video from Gilette that went viral on YouTube. It’s at nearly 3 million views, so maybe you saw it: “.” I was fascinated. Apparently it’s stylish for men to, “Clear the underbush so the tree looks taller,” (Gilette’s words, not mine!) If I didn’t have a daughter, how could I confirm my newly acquired information? You can be sure, me and my girlfriends did not know about this.

There is truth to Andrew’s remarks on mentoring being a two-way street, and I bet Carri would agree. The mentee isn’t the only one who benefits from the relationship. There’s as much to learn from another who hasn’t been there, as one who has. Looking at life through the eyes of inexperience is a learning experience in itself. Especially when you’re sharing the lens with your very smart, grown daughter. I am blessed.

Help me to teach my child.
To give her wisdom
and show her how to choose
good people to be in her life.

Help me to teach my child
to look within
for her very best—
that You are her
strength and guidance.

Help me to teach her
that enemies will come
but through You she will
always be victorious.

Help me to teach my child
the blessings in doing for others.
Timing is everything!



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