Other people don’t feel the way I do. I’ve been trapped in one too many a conversation that began with, “I had the craziest dream last night…” It’s an ice-breaker that makes you want to run for the hills! But then there are a few special people who do have a dream-inspired vision, and they act on it. I heard from a women, in Alaska, who had a dream after her friend and mentor died. She knew with absolute certainty that she was to leave home and ask questions. Her dream became her destiny— the .
What if you’re not the type to be so bold? What if you’re like me, and dream about trivial stuff, like showing up for a test unprepared? How do really big ideas form? If you look around, you see a whole world full of motivated people. There are ordinary folks like you and me who start non-profits, create artistic masterpieces, and come up with the next big idea that changes the way we do things.
My girlfriend Geryl has a big idea. It came to her when she was watching the Sunday morning news shows. She wants to have a talk-show where she’ll interview politicians and policy makers. She’ll call it, “From the Center.” Geryl wants to book has her first guest. Right now she’s a manufacturer’s rep, who sells bedspreads and curtains to big box stores. But she’s smart, and she knows how to ask a great question— she could have her show and she’d be great. The funny thing is, since she first told me about her idea, the internet exploded and platforms like opened up the marketplace. Geryl needs to do more than dream.
Having a dream is the easy part. Making your dream come true takes hard work. It wasn’t easy for Susan to leave Alaska, travel across the world and interview dozens of women. It wasn’t easy for MLK Jr. to stand up to racial discrimination, hatred, and violence. Easy isn’t the issue. Determination, following through and believing in you, will make it happen. Draw on all the resources around you: family, friends, trusted advisors, and God.
"When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, 'Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!'"
I quit judging, fudging, procrastinating,
gossiping, belittling;
my personal pity party.
I forgive my partner, my relatives,
my friends, my workmates & boss;
I embrace kindness,
empathy, benevolence,
those who need me most;