2016-07-27 2016-07-27

I checked out her site, it looked real good, I watched her , I liked it and liked her a lot. And without giving it a moment’s though, I joined her praying mom’s group.

Within the hour I received my first prayer from and it was (as would say) DY-NO-MITE! Now I’m no slouch when it comes to writing a prayer here or there. But I am clearly out of my league with these prayer warriors! Here’s only the first line of Valerie’s prayer: “Lord we pray for every woman that is burdened, worried, concerned, oppressed, depressed, sad, broken hearted, wounded and distraught.” Yes, I DO pray for these women, and I appreciate the timely reminder.

Yet, although I will continue to support the group in spirit, I need to be a Praying Moms drop-out. I received a dozen prayers in roughly the same amount of hours. Each prayer is a masterpiece, each prayer cries out with need. I just don’t have it in me. I have a tendency to be somewhat obsessive when it comes to getting things done.

I can’t hit delete fast enough when I see one of these prayers coming, and it’s simply not fair. I think I’ll add the whole bunch of Praying Moms to my daily prayers so I can keep my heart in their good work in one fell swoop.

What about you? Who makes the roster of your daily prayers? Here’s six ways to pray with renewed vigor. 1. Shake it up and keep your prayers from becoming stale and rote. 2. Infuse your spiritual life with something new and exciting. 3. Revive an old prayer from childhood or 4. join a prayer group for inspiration. 5. Don’t take prayer planning for granted. 6. Be intentional in your praise and worship. You’ll surely see the  the benefits of prayerful routine.

You have to admit:
You made me mouthy,
gave me big dreams
and great expectations.
I even carry a portable soapbox
with me in case I need to vent. 

But whatever I need to say,
and however I express it,
I know You hear me.
I might say it in a colorful way,
but always intend reverence,
and always feel awe.



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