2016-07-27 2016-07-27

Who knew? Sister Carol and Sister Karol are not the same sister!


 (Carol Theresa Eastis) is a talented Reggae artist. Right away I realized I was on the wrong site, but something about Sister Carol caught my attention.  She’s known as the "Black Cinderella" and in addition to concerts and recordings, she does movie soundtracks. I played a and loved what I heard: A strong feminist voice with beat, and a clear and expressive spirit.

I found my way over to Barbara’s recommendation, Sister Karol, the fun nun and writer of fun books. One caught my eye: . A little glimpse into the pages on , showed me what I wanted to know. This nun is funny and wise. She advises us to “Find the good laugh waiting to be discovered.” And tells us: “Nothing exhilarates and sends the soul soaring more, than having the best time ever.”

What a happy visit I had with the Sisters Carol and Karol! Like a daily prayer, it was a refreshing picker-upper. I look forward to more music, more words of wisdom and more fun!

She's the one I turn to in
moments of sheer panic.
A straight shooter who tells it like it is.
She's the cavalry rushing in,
saving me from myself, 
talking me down from the ledge.

She ís the one responsible
for uncontrollable
bursts of laughter,
playing off each other
until our mascara runs.

She's my touchstone, the one friend
I could never live without.
Thank You for her incredible gift of empathy,
always knowing my feelings.
Thank You for her quick mind;
she really gets me.

Thank You for her all-encompassing love,
that never knows boundaries.
Thank You for making us sisters by choice
and my very best friend.



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