I’ve learned that there is no one correct solution to complicated government problems. And there’s no one person who can make change happen overnight. Advocacy is based on the concept that we have more clout as a group than as an individual. That’s true. If I want to influence a lawmaker, there better be a whole lot of other folks who feel as I do. Unless of course, I have a whole lot of cash to give away, come election time. Both my voice and my checkbook pack a greater punch with bigger numbers.
Back to my prayer for President Obama. That was something I did alone. The great thing about prayer over politics is, I can make a difference with just me and it doesn’t cost a cent! I may be by myself, but I’m not alone. When I’m in prayer, it’s me 'n God. I have no worries about God trying to sway me with new evidence, unintended consequences or well-articulated talking points. I pray for our leaders to show guidance from our leaders and guidance from within. When I’m done, I know I’ve done what’s right, to set the world right.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting that being politically aware and pro-active, is a waste of time. Prayer alone will not change political will. We’re blessed to have the freedom to speak out, vote and lobby our lawmakers. Join the . Keep yourself informed, even if you’re wishy-washy on the issues, like me. Use the power of prayer to affect the powers that be.
Thank You for the gentle reminder
that there is a higher authority.
Even as kings and presidents set events
into motion and change the course of history.
We ask your blessing on the ones who hold earthly power.
Let them feel the impact their actions have
on families, on our elders, on the earth.
Hold our lives in Your hand,
as we all forge the future together.