2016-07-27 2016-07-27

Work issues and deadlines are another story, and not so easily solved. For one thing; there are usually other people involved, money at stake, and pressure. Even though business problems seem like they should be dealt with impersonally, you’re a person and your emotions entered the workspace with you. It’s never effective to work without passion, or purpose, but to be passionate about minutiae that doesn’t serve a purpose, is just plain dumb. I get overwhelmed at work just by looking at my cluttered inbox. Even if the messages are no more important than the , I am powerless to “get to it later.” No wonder I’m dreaming of a house that’s never clean. I must learn to work in the muck instead of trying to clear it.

Isn’t that what life is all about— working through challenges? I find prayer is my very own muck-raker. It’s the perfect tool to get me through the stress of feeling overwhelmed. Besides calming me down, prayer allows me to see a situation clearly, put it in perspective and make good decisions. Prayer for me; is like a pat on the back and a kick in the butt, all at the same time. It’s all the motivation I need to keep on going.

Give me the strength and wisdom
to face all adversities in life,
no matter how large or trivial.
Though I know You are always with me,
I sometimes forget
when I am wrapped up in a struggle.
The only thing I need is a gentle nudge;
the reminder that You soldier on along side me.
Help me to stop and realize,
You will never let me down.



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