
During the commercial break, he sat back, thinking how well the spot was going, when he heard a voice in his ear bud; “You need to sound angry.”  He answered the producer, “But, I’m not angry. We’re having a very good conservation.” Good is not good enough. “If you don’t get angry, the channel surfers won’t stop to watch. Angry makes for good television.” It was then that he really got angry…at the producer!

Ratings aside, we all know that it does no good to get angry. was on yesterday. She is an expert on the topic of anger and forgiveness. to a complex emotion: . Keep your anger if you need to, but don’t allow resentment to come to the party.

If we take this wise advice, and apply it to how we feel about the crappy economy, it’s possible that we can still hold onto our outrage over the predicament, and take advantage of the opportunities it brings.  Let’s just say; your hours were cut at your job and your pay is reduced. That’s pretty bad. There are consequences to making less money and that means something’s got to give. But you’re not willing to be poorer. You don’t want to reduce your standard of living. You resent the fact that all is not going as planned. Wah, wah, wah. Done crying— what do you have now?  More hours to do what you’ve always wished you had time for. Maybe shopping was your hobby of choice before, but now it has to be something like… taking long walks, reading a book or volunteering.

Can we as a nation of privilege, revive the economy without resorting to over-spending again? If we’re not bowing to the housing start Gods, new car czars and electronic gadget gurus, can businesses prosper?  I asked Robert Reich that question. He thought for a minute, and said yes. Consumer spending doesn’t need to be about things. It can be about goods and services that benefit more people. We can find a way to bridge the wealth gap that leaves 99% of the population without enough income to spend. It’s time for a do-over in values and we can’t leave it up to politicians to legislate the change. I can’t think of a better time to partner with a higher power. Ask God for the clarity of vision to recognize the resentment you’re holding on to. Ask God for the strength to put an end to useless fear. Thank God for challenges that enable us to live better lives.

I believe love conquers all,

but today I am full of fear and anxiety.
I feel like the most overlooked
woman in the world.
Help me to know Your courageous love.
Remove this fear from me,
so that I may accomplish Your will.
Live in me, speak to me, rescue me.
Today, won't you deliver me with love?

-Brenda Scott

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