
Yesterday I was at a program learning about foodbanking. We were thirty-five people in a room who care deeply about ending world hunger. Bill Rudnick was the speaker. He’s managing partner of the Chicago office at the law firm of (US). Bill is also co-founder of , former Chairman of the board of and . This is a man with credentials. But it’s not Bill’s bio that impressed me. And it isn’t even his passion for an important cause. What truly moved me is; I had the opportunity to meet someone who acts as if it’s up to him—and him alone, to make true change happen.
What about the Divine? Where does taking action for social justice fit into one’s spiritual life? As important as prayer is, and as much as I believe in the greatness of a higher power to change hearts and minds, I know with absolute certainty, we are the partner on the ground bringing a better life to those in need. Yes, pray everyday, for all the children of the world to be safe, healthy and free. Then take a stand like Bill; use the gifts you were given to change the conditions that lead to hunger, disease and civil unrest. Prepare your soul and repair the world.

“Pray as if everything depends on God, and act as if everything depends on you.”

You have placed within me, my soul.
It gives form to my thoughts creating
my innermost feelings and driving my actions.

I am possessed with goodness and remarkable power.
Committed to: doing deeds of loving kindness,
speaking out for justice, sharing my money with those in need.
I am one of this magnificent movement to repair the world.  

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