2016-07-27 2016-07-27

Exhaustion is an equal opportunity offender. Regardless of age and gender, we all get tired. I’m a huge fan of John Medina’s books and . His : Sleep well, think well, covers the brain’s need for sleep. Medina is a molecular biologist who is an expert on the genetics of human brain development. Sounds complicated, but it’s not.

These books are well-written and interesting. It’s the easiest read you’ll find that gives common sense advice for better living and better learning. My favorite is: Don’t schedule meetings at 3:00 p.m. Research shows, 12 hours after the mid-point of your sleep, all your brain wants to do is nap.

And I am all about naps. It’s my favorite hobby. I work from home, just steps away from my bed and favorite couch. Yet, during the week, I steer clear of anything soft until after work hours, but the weekend is a whole different story.

Years ago, I made a commitment to honor the Sabbath. To me, observing the Sabbath means worship and a day of rest. It’s the single most empowering thing I do. By not working or doing everyday tasks and chores, I am free to spend uninterrupted time with myself, family, friends, and God. All the sleep debt gets repaid on Saturday afternoon, when I return from synagogue. This little rest completely cures the fatigue that built up all week long. It defies science, but I’m living proof that a Sabbath nap is more effective than one without God’s endorsement.

When your mind, heart, and body come together for a holy purpose, your energy is restored in record time. Rest is holy. Most religions : Monday is the Greek Sabbath, Tuesday the Persian, Wednesday the Assyrian, Thursday the Egyptian, Friday the Arab, Saturday the Jewish, and Sunday the Christian. Sabbath is another tie that binds us together with our sisters of other faiths.

With so many people chasing after every new energy fad, I’m amazed that more people don’t try the world’s oldest cure. God did not mean for us to be tired and crabby. We are destined to live a life full of glorious spirit and wide awake to the beauty that surrounds us. 


Today is the day for not doing.
A day for saying no
to the buzz and whir of daily life.
It is a day for savoring minutes.
Thank You for this day of rest.
Let Your peace descend on me,
like twilight falling.
Show me the joy of perfect quietude,
of listening to You in stillness.
Let the world stop
if only for a moment-
so that I might treasure
what is beyond it: You,
who give me blessed work,
but also blessed rest.



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