By then, the crowds are in full force and even though I’m not hungry, I grab a sample apple cider donut hot from the portable oven. If I’m making dinner that night, I’ll buy some fish, baked goods, or a prepared food item that I can’t make myself. I rarely buy produce. I’m too cheap and too skeptical to pay $3 for a head of cauliflower when I know has it for $2.
When I get an idea in my head, it doesn’t leave until it’s exhausted. I’m into eating healthy and I’m respectful of our environment. I was determined to research the claims of the and groups. I read two of Michael Pollan’s books: and . While they were interesting and worth a few pointers, it was clear that Pollan approached the subject from an emotional viewpoint without sound basis or facts. It wasn’t until I heard an expert on agriculture research speak on the topic, did I get my confirmation. is an academic who researched the economics, politics, and environmental sustainability of food production, and concluded that there are no gains from eating locally grown and organic food.
Here’s a hoot. I’m sponsoring a Lunch & Learn on the topic of for supporters of the . Professor Paarlberg is the keynote speaker. I’ve gotten so many calls from locally grown and organic food advocates that I needed to add a second program open to the community. I’m looking forward to a lively discussion! If you’re in Chicago on September 20th and want to come, let me know – it’s free and you’re welcome to hear both sides and decide for yourself.
I take the holiness of my body very seriously. I am grateful for the food I eat and I take the time to let God know it. All food is holy because it sustains us. Learning about our food options and thinking deeply about how it affects us and the world we live in, is a tribute to the provider of all our needs.
For the love in the hands
that prepared this food, I thank You.
For the warmth of the meal and the
warmth of the conversation, I thank You.
For the laughter bubbling over
the spread before us, I thank You.
I praise You for the joyful spirits You sustain,
for the willing hands so happy to serve,
for open hearts so eager to share.
My stomach is full, and my soul is bursting.
Thank You for feeding me today.