
I’ve been burned too often by book clubs, websites and even that tout a book as “don’t miss.” I looked back at my own top favorites list; every single entry has a strong main character with a positive attitude. Sorry — there’s not a dysfunctional heroine in the bunch. It’s fascinating to get into a story with horrendous subject matter and come out of it uplifted. Think about . wrote a memoir that should have been heart-wrenching. Poverty, alcoholism, neglectful parents, yet I finished the book and was better for having read it. I can see how the right mindset causes you to rise above your circumstances.

Have you ever had a conversation with a ? She’s telling you a story, so depressing and hopeless, you walk away ready to slit your wrists. It’s happened to me, but when I go back over what she’s told me, I can put a totally different spin on the very same facts. Same with books. One author can write from the perspective of gloom and doom and another can always find the sunshine. Read any book. You’ll have a smile on your face from the very first page. After you enjoy the communion with your happy book, extend the experience, and enjoy the sunshine of positive-ly upbeat prayer.


I praise You for the tiny glories
I am often too busy to see:
the irregular scallop of a maple leaf,
the impossible yellow of a dandelion,
the perfection of untrammeled snow.

For the scrap of sunlight the cat finds
in the darkened hallway,
I thank You.

For each sudden splendor:
the tickle of grass,
the dizzying dome of sky after rain,
the cozy smell of someone I love,
I exalt You.
Your beauty bursts my heart.


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