
How important is it to think deeply and react strongly? Is there anything wrong with taking an attitude in life that just goes with the flow? It seems that a lot of the leaders of social justice causes are old. just got the Humanitarian award at the Emmys recently. I don’t care how hip is, he’s old. And the only revolutionary that’s been in the news in decades, is 66 year old . I was beginning to wonder if the under 40 set is too chill to care.

I ventured on to . Do Something is a great social website that empowers teens to make a difference through volunteering and advocacy. The site has a feature called . I had to dig through (41) and (48) till I found younger-type celebrities and their causes. Yes, cares. Yes, the are do-gooders. And yes, a pop star named , was honored as a humanitarian by the Surf Industry Manufacturers Association. No need for me to be a cynical charity snob. Good models? Yes, the world will be repaired by the next generations.

As for those, young and old, who are content to nurture their own little world, I say bravo! We need role models who are happy, loved, and secure. It helps us all, to live among people who don’t feel a need to question or start a ruckus and to make a difference. We’re all better off, to recognize the rare soul who gladly accepts what is offered and appreciates the status quo.


I feel You when
people do good deeds for the needy.
I see You when
society opens a checkbook to serve others.
I hear You when
citizens speak out for justice.

May Your spirit settle upon the many
who look to make this world a better place.

-Rachel Lee


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