2016-07-27 2016-07-27
Original prayers are the very heart of the site. How do you encourage women to write and submit prayers when you know that only a very small percentage will be right for publishing in the Prayables Collection? Would you want to return to a site that has rejected you after you’ve exposed your soul in print? Ed calls it a farm team. I’m not a baseball fan, so I think of it as Second City ETC; a smaller stage in the same building as the main stage. Except; unlike the comedy club, everyone who auditions, gets a part and an audience on the Prayables Prayer Board. Sure hope it catches on.  Today is a big day. We’ll be submitting prayables.com to the search engines by 4:00 p.m. CDT. There’s no turning back, the world will be watching us now!

This is at once both a day of endings
and a day of beginnings.

As I close the door on the work week,
I praise You for the experiences
of the last five days:
for the successes that have brightened me
and the failures that have taught me.

I praise you again for
the burst of light that fills me
as I open a new door on the weekend,
on time reserved for myself
and for those I love most.

Thank You for this day of transition,
and for the blessings of work and play
that hold my life in perfect balance.

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