2016-07-27 2016-07-27

These were working class people. They saved enough money to send Steve to a small college in California. He was a very smart kid, but felt guilty that his folks were shelling out so much of their hard-earned money. He dropped out, but Steve was no ordinary quitter. He hung around the campus, sleeping in friend’s dorm rooms, and attending classes that looked interesting. went on to found Apple, NeXT and Pixar Animation. .

So why is it, people are so stubborn about the ? Aren’t there other ways to succeed? I’ve seen plenty of circumstances when a B.S. is B(ull) S(h#t). I cringe when I hear of college kids majoring in party. That’s one costly way to have some fun. I just read about Allison Eastman, because he found out she had $170,000 in student loan debts. A girl can’t even get a MRS these days with the rising costs of college.

Steve Jobs finished up his not exactly college career and moved on to playing games. He worked for a while at Atari, to save enough money to take a spiritual retreat to India. Came back to the U.S., built a wildly successful career co-founding the Macintosh computer and Apple until he came to blows with the board and was fired. In summary, he bypassed his education out of consideration for his parents, left a good job to pursue his faith, and walked away from his life’s work to defend his principles. He stayed true to himself and prevailed, against all common wisdom. He’s no different than anyone of us. Like Steve Jobs, we should be questioning the status quo and doing what we think is right.

Success and the happiness that comes with it, is a result of using your strengths and having the courage to do what you know to be right. When you make decisions about your education, your work and your life, putting family and faith first is a great way to start.


I am at the very dawn of my career.
I know exactly where I want
this journey to lead.
You know, too;
time and again I have asked You
to take me there and now
I ask You once again.

I also ask that You grant me
wisdom in the journey.
Teach me to embrace each challenge
as a new lesson learned.
Help me recognize the joy of the work
the unexpected truth
that there is as much delight
in the process as there is in the result.

Open my eyes that I might recognize my work
as a service to those around me,
teach me to cherish my career
for the good it enables me to do.

And when I have at last reached my goal,
remind me that I did so with You at my side,
so that I may offer you my gratitude
not only for what I have accomplished through You,
but also for who I have become.



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