
We got a surprising invitation from Michael in June. You probably remember he was working in the Cayman Islands, doing a lot of partying, a little working and most importantly; legally evading U.S. taxes. Mike wanted us to come to visit and included his girlfriend Leslie and her parents too. We all thought— ENGAGEMENT time!!! But sadly, no announcement yet and he’s not getting any younger! We met Leslie’s parents for the first time; they’re the NICEST people, and the icing on the cake for us, was to see that her dad, Doug, is even shorter than David! What an unexpected bonus – another short gentile in-law!

Speaking of not hearing wedding bells… Howie and Katherine aren’t engaged either, and they’re back in the States after spending an entire year travelling. They’ve been in Asia and Africa, and spent the fall in Oregon working at a winery. They’re surviving on savings and ingenuity—neither one have any money coming in, but Howie tells us that he has “meetings” lined up and hopefully his long voluntary unemployment spell will soon end.

Craig made a career change recently. He’s full-time in the groin protection business . After two long years in development he invented an built into a compression short. You gotta admit, it takes “balls” to start something new! Ha ha, the family jewels jokes are coming fast and furious!

Rachel and Gray both received promotions at work this year, and Gray just took a new job with . Although I tease Gray about being my favorite son-in-law (he’s my only son-in-law), he’s treating my princess just fine! Rachel is still a vegetarian, and that makes family meals a challenge, but we’re all learning to live with her little eating disability! LOL.

My folks are in good shape, and my in-laws are doing OK too. As for me, I’m doing great! I’m counting my blessings this season of the year and adding you; my family and friends, in my prayers for a good holiday season and a very happy new year!

The stores are closed today—
it's another once-a-year holiday.
Some spending the day
with their families all dressed up,
going to worship, enjoying a meal,
feeling happy, being loved.

Some spending the day
with a friend or loved one,
hanging out, relaxing,
feeling happy, being loved.

Some spending the day
alone, secure in their own company,
reading a book, taking a walk,
feeling happy and loved.

All experiencing Your devotion
in different ways, meaningful to them.

How can we help the less fortunate ones?
There are sisters and brothers,
on holidays, every-days, any-days; who are not
feeling happy and loved.

I hold them in my heart while I thank You.
I reflect on their needs while I thank You.
I am moved to reach out to those unhappy souls in prayer,
while I thank You.



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