
A look at some fun facts about the 2016 presidential frontrunners from both parties and those who also dropped out of their respective races in what had been seen as the most intriguing election cycle of our time.

Don’t believe so? With a Supreme Court nominee up for grabs, trade, unemployment rates, household incomes stagnant, faith, and ISIS—there is plenty to discuss. And we're are not finished, but let’s take a look at those who have dropped out the election first.

For the GOP, we will start with Chris Christie, Ben Carson, and Jeb Bush who dropped out recently. For the dems, it is down to just two—between Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and former Secretary of Sate Hillary Clinton. Sanders and his supporters are hanging in there against the Clinton machine to the surprise of the establishment, so that race is still exciting to watch.

Chris Christie (R-New Jersey) is the 55th governor of the Garden State and is a big advocate of the right to bear arms: “Our citizens have the right to exercise their constitutional right to bear arms. New Jersey citizens should be permitted to defend themselves and not encounter unlawful delays and impediments.”

He dropped of the GOP race in February after poor performance in New Hampshire. He then endorsed businessman Donald Trump, which upset many of his cohorts. Christie is a big fan of others outside the political spectrum. He loves Bruce Springsteen, and was a captain of his high school baseball team.

Ben Carson is an internationally known neurosurgeon and suspended his 2016 presidential candidate in March. Now retired, Carson has been an influencer in the politics with his soft-spoken and strong message against Obama Care and government power propelled him to the stage. Did you know that in George W. Bush awarded Carson with the Presidential Medal of Freedom and Carson is a Seventh -Day Adventist? True.

Jeb Bush really took a nosedive in this cycle, but there are other things you might not know about the former governor of Florida from 1999-2007. He converted to being a Catholic after meeting his wife. Born John Ellis Bush—we know him by Jeb, he was considered for a position as NFL commissioner in 2006.

Now for the current contender of the GOP, that could change after March 15th. Businessman and GOP frontrunner Donald Trump bought a football team, the News Jersey Generals during the 1980s. He sold the United States Football League franchise and then bought it back the following year. As a television personally he won two Emmy’s for the Apprentice. Trump does not drink alcohol. He lost his brother Fred to alcoholism. He said in an interview with Steve Forbes in 2011:

“He set an example. It wasn’t, maybe, the example that people would think, but it really was, in its own way, an example. That here was this fantastic guy, who got caught up in the alcohol, and he ultimately died from alcoholism.”

Marko Rubio (Fla.), a son of Cuban immigrants, has taught political classes at Florida International University after leaving the Florida Legislator in 2009. He hates disco music, but loves R&B and rap. His wife was a cheerleader for the Miami Dolphins and they have four children. He loves the films: The “Godfather” and "Pulp Fiction.”

Ted Cruz (Texas) was born in Canada and denounced his citizenship there 2014. He is a staunch support of the Constitution, and the first Hispanic solicitor in Texas. He said he dislikes avocados. I despise avocado. It’s the only food I dislike, and I dislike it passionately. Which is ironic, because I’m Cuban and my dad grew up with avocado trees in his backyard. My whole family eats avocados like crazy, but I can’t stand them.”

John Kasich is the Gov. of Ohio and calls Bono a good friend. He dislikes Teleprompters, and prefers to read from an outline. His parents were killed by a drunk driver in 1987. This helped him rediscover his faith.

Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) recorded a folk album in 1987, although he admits he can't sing. According to USA Today, Sanders had numerous jobs before hitting his stride as a politician in the 60s'. He had jobs as a researcher, writer, and carpenter.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton won a Grammy in 1996 for the audio book, “It takes a village.” Clinton, who tried to join the Marines, but was rejected in mid-20s for being a female, loves hot sauce, and reportedly did vodka shots with John McCain (Ariz.) at a restaurant. After graduating from Wellesley, a women’s private college in Massachusetts, she removed slim from fish at a processing plant. She credits this experience as helping her deal with Washington. 

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