2016-07-27 2016-07-27
2004 Exit Poll Results
Vote by Religion Kerry Bush Nader
Protestant/Other Christian
Percentage of Electorate: 54
40% 59% 0%
- White Protestants
Percentage of Electorate: 41
32% 67% 0%
- White Evangelical/Born Again
Percentage of Electorate: 23
21% 78% 0%
Percentage of Electorate: 27
47% 52% 0%
- White Catholic
Percentage of Electorate: 20
43% 56% 0%
Percentage of Electorate: 3
74% 25% --
Percentage of Electorate: 7
74% 23% 1%
Percentage of Electorate: 10
67% 31% 1%
Attend Religious Services Kerry Bush Nader
More Than Once a Week
Percentage of Electorate: 16
35% 64% 1%
Once a Week
Percentage of Electorate: 26
41% 58% 0%
A Few Times a Month
Percentage of Electorate: 14
49% 50% --
A Few Times a Year
Percentage of Electorate: 28
54% 45% 0%
Percentage of Electorate: 15
62% 36% 1%
Abortion Should Be ... Kerry Bush Nader
Legal in All Cases
Percentage of Electorate: 21
73% 25% 1%
Legal in Most Cases
Percentage of Electorate: 34
61% 38% 0%
Illegal in Most Cases
Percentage of Electorate: 26
26% 73% 0%
Illegal in All Cases
Percentage of Electorate: 16
22% 77% 0%
Which Comes Closest to Your View of Gay and Lesbian Couples? Kerry Bush Nader
They should be allowed to legally marry
Percentage of Electorate: 25
77% 22% 1%
There should be no legal recognition of their relationships
Percentage of Electorate: 37
29% 70% 0%
They should be allowed to legally form civil unions, but not marry
Percentage of Electorate: 35
47% 52% 0%
Which One Issue Mattered Most in Deciding How You Voted for President? (Check only one) Kerry Bush Nader
Percentage of Electorate: 5
43% 57% 0%
Percentage of Electorate: 4
73% 26% --
Percentage of Electorate: 15
73% 26% 0%
Percentage of Electorate: 19
14% 86% 0%
Percentage of Electorate: 20
80% 18% 0%
Moral Values
Percentage of Electorate: 22
18% 80% 1%
Health Care
Percentage of Electorate: 8
77% 23% --
Source: National Election Pool
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