2016-07-27 2016-07-27
The following letter was sent to the Christian Coalition mailing list in the wake of George W. Bush's electoral victory.

Get ready for an unprecedented effort to "illegitimize" the new President, weaken the leadership of Congress, and more importantly, completely undermine our pro-faith and pro-family issues.

The fact is, liberal activists sense the nation's vulnerability and are salivating at the thought of totally defeating us.

It is crucial that every member and friend of Christian Coalition redouble their efforts in the next three months because so much hangs in the balance.

I need your help right now so our Coalition can finish this year strong and be ready for the battle just ahead. Due to extra expenditures during the final days of the election and the post-election crisis, Christian Coalition is facing a serious shortfall. We must raise $200,000 right away.

Can we continue to rely on your support? Click here to give a secure online donation.

Just look at the current situation ...

.. Almost any way you analyze this nation -- from north to south, urban rural, pro-life to pro-abortion -- there is a 50/50 divide....

.. The senate is equally divided and the house is separated by just a few votes ...

... And the most closely fought presidential election in American history reveals the voting public is evenly split on almost every issue!

What does this all mean? I believe it boils down to this ...

Whoever rallies enough support and generates the most influence in the next 100 days will literally set the agenda for the next four years.

That's why I'm asking you to help Christian Coalition of America finish the year in the black so we can protect and advance the values we hold dear. You see, if we aren't willing to stand and fight right now...

-- pro-abortion groups may well succeed in derailing any attempts to finally end the murder of innocent babies through partial-birth abortion.

-- big-government groups will point to Al Gore's "popular vote" victory as a mandate to expand federal programs instead of providing pro-family tax relief.

-- our education system will continue to rot under the tyranny of the NEA's government monopoly. And many other godless agendas will gain the upper hand at the expense of Christian citizens.

That's why we must not -- we cannot -- rest for a moment.

Please give your best gift NOW.

I need your help right now because our funds are depleted at a time when groups like the A.C.L.U. and Americans United for Separation of Church and State have launched counter-attacks designed to strip Christians of our free speech rights.

The future of America is hanging in the balance. Which way will we lean? You and I will decide in the coming weeks!

And where do we start?

I believe more than anything else we must flood the heavens with prayer. We must cry out to God for his favor. We must raise up a virtual army of prayer warriors to intercede for our nation.

We also need your financial support. We must raise $200,000 right away so we can be in a position to continue to lobby on your behalf and do all we can to make a difference during the next 100 days.

Can I count on your help?

Please pray and if you can, give.

You can give your secure donation here.

Thank you so much in advance for your help, and I pray God's richest blessings on you and yours this holiday season.

M.G. "Pat" Robertson

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