This year's presidential election marks 196 years of U.S. citizens using both the popular vote and the Electoral College to decide our president. It's been an amazing time with all the controversy surrounding the presidential election. It has also been a time of much national soul-searching.
But what does it mean to American Christians? We've all worried over which of these men--George W. Bush or Al Gore--will become president. But we should keep some perspective: Whoever wins will be guided by God's hand. In that sense, we can't go wrong.
As Americans, we go to the polls and attempt to select the person we believe is best for the job and who will most likely represent our ideologies best.
As Christians, we pray we are making the right choice. And we pray that when the dust settles, God's man will be the president. We even go so far as to believe God will ultimately have his will enacted--but are we ready to leave the process in God's hands?
In Romans 11:1, God turned the Israelites over to themselves. That would be a terrible thing to happen to this nation--to find ourselves in such a predicament, totally left to our own devices. Thank God he has not done this to us.
God puts man's ability to the test by letting us decide whom we will trust. (Romans 11:4).
Though God's name is not on our ballots directly, those who believe in Him look for the candidate who most resembles his character. We all know that no man looks enough like God in his policies and character to make us have a sense of peace with our choice. We can only pray that God will divinely intervene and give us the one he can work through for the good of the people.
You will remember that God cursed those who elected to serve the heathen god, Baal. You can see my illustration that godly leadership is significant. I wonder today: Is God watching this election? Does he see our feeble attempt to elect a new leader? Are we Christians strongly in agreement that we will follow Him, and only Him, through the trials and tribulations of this age?
And once we have a new president, this is a time for us to pray for him, that the image of Christ may be seen even in the frailty of human flesh.
I believe that this year is pivotal. It is the start of something earth-shaking in magnitude. God is giving us free will to elect a leader. Of course, godly leadership makes a difference. But as it was in the days of Moses, if we appoint someone God does not want, the Lord still has the heart of the king in his hand.
We must remember: The earth is God's footstool, and no weapon formed against us shall prosper.
No matter the outcome, let's walk in peace and trust the Holy Spirit to assist us in becoming the nation he would have us to be--not because of the man we selected but because of the God who elected us.