2016-07-27 2016-07-27

The Assistant Editor of The Blaze, Billy Hallowell, reports that all may not be well within the Obama family.

President Barack Obama may be less-than-content over reports that his half-brother, George Obama, appears in “2016: Obama’s America,” a documentary that is highly critical of the president. But now that footage from the film has leaked, the frustration level at the White House — and within the Obama family — could be slated to rise exponentially.

Obamas Half Brother George Makes Appears in Dinesh DSouzas New Documentary

The Hollywood Reporter secured exclusive footage of the film, which is based on King’s College president and writer Dinesh D’Souza’s controversial book The Roots of Obama’s Rage. D’Souza apparently tracked George down to discuss a variety of subjects, including past media reports that he is impoverished and lives in a hut in Naironi, Kenya — a surprising fact considering that his half-brother is the leader of the free world.

In the clip, D‘Souza asks why George lives in poverty despite his brother’s prominence. He tells the president’s brother that past news reports have exposed that Obama has done little to help his brother. George quickly responds, saying, “I think he has a family of his own. I’m a member of his family, but I’m over-age, so I help myself.”

But D‘Souza isn’t satisfied with that answer and he decides to push the issue further.

Obamas Half Brother George Makes Appears in Dinesh DSouzas New Documentary

“You’re his brother. Has he been your keeper?,” D’Souza asks and George responds, “Go ask him” and then reiterates that his brother has

many other issues to contend with.

 “He’s got other issues to deal with,” George responds. “He’s taking care of the world, so he’s taking care of me.”

The Hollywood reporter continues, providing more alleged details about the film and the aforementioned interview:

The focus of the movie, though, is the alleged anger at colonialism that President Obama inherited from his (and George’s) father.

As D’Souza puts it in the book: “This philandering, inebriated African socialist, who raged against the world for denying him the realization of his anti-colonial ambitions, is now setting the nation’s agenda through the reincarnation of his dreams in his son.”

D’Souza, therefore, presses that theory with George Obama, and seems to get agreement from him, as the president’s brother argues that Kenya has fallen behind since its independence.

D’Souza clearly enjoys getting to know George Obama and at one point during the interview (though not in the above clip), he jokes that America elected the wrong Obama to be its president.

The two also talked about George’s book, Homeland, which was released in 2010. “2016” was produced by Gerald Molen, who has an impressive Hollywood resume, including “Schindler’s List,“ ”Jurassic Park“ and ”Rain Man,” among other films. The documentary opens in Houston on July 13.

 Below, watch a trailer for the film: 

Read more about the film here. On Friday, D’Souza will be on GBTV to discuss “2016.”


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