
In this year of political frenzy, a seemingly endless election cycle, and dogmatic opinions on both sides of the political aisle, I’m going to make a bold assertion: what happens in the political world will be largely irrelevant to your personal reality.

There. I said it. I know it’s almost blasphemy; we are taught that being politically involved is our civic duty. That what happens in Washington affects all of us. That this country is doomed if (fill-in-the-blank with the party you’ve decided is evil) takes control. And finally, that it is simple common sense to make sure that that the particular party that doesn’t represent our self-interest is stopped. I don’t disagree with some of these premises. Obviously, policies on healthcare, the economy, energy, and the environment do affect our daily lives on some level. I also think in order for a democracy to work (or, rather, a Republic, which is what the United States is), we must make our individual and collective voices heard. But with those objections preemptively addressed, I’d like you to consider whether or not a Democrat or Republican in the White House is really going to dramatically alter your daily reality.

Have you ever seen a billionaire become poor because a Democrat is now in power? Sorry to break it to some of you, but people that are successful and know how to attract wealth on a personal level will just continue to do so. They will find creative outlets, lucrative business deals, cultivate meaningful relationships, execute on ideas, and utilize the best accountants and lawyers just as they did before. Sure, they may be taxed more or be faced with greater regulations, but their individual point of attraction and their ability to attract abundance on a spiritual / energy level is something politics won’t change. On the flip side, do you really think someone who currently lacks abundance is going to magically be catapulted and become wealthy, productive, inspired, and motivated because of a shift in power in Washington? The truth is, only you, as an individual, are creating your own reality. You have the power within YOU to create opportunity, motivation, abundance, love, and creativity regardless of the political climate. And if those traits are blocked within the individual, a shift in political power isn’t really going to help.

Think about your own life: if you’re reading this, you’ve probably been alive in periods when both a Democrat and a Republican has been in power. Has the trajectory of your life really changed that much in either case? Have your relationships, your passions, your inspirations, and your goals been significantly altered? No Democrat or Republican politician can save you from yourself, or can shift your energy for you. For all the angst and anger about our national politics and who wins, the truth is, it’s not really affecting your ability to create your own personal reality. You can choose to be happy, healthy, and successful through your personal choices. And it’s these choices that are the true, effective catalysts in creating the changes you seek and the life you want. Not the speech that some guy in Washington gave on election night.

Dr. Kulkarni is a licensed physician in New York City and has been an avid practioner of meditation, spirituality, and mind-body medicine for over 10 years. Learn more at Leveraging Thought.

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