There is no basis for the popular notion that prophesying or preaching is a uniquely masculine act.
By J. Lee Grady
Banishing the Bible from Campus
Colleges are treating evangelical and Orthodox Jewish students like outcasts and bigots for their views on gays and sex.
By Elliott Abrams
Orthodox Feminism: Not an Oxymoron
Judaism's Orthodox feminist movement has succeeded in opening doors for women committed both to Jewish law and gender equality.
By Blu Greenberg
Love, Honor, and Obey?
What the Qur'an says about a wife obeying her husband.
By Sa'dullah Khan
Queer at Christmas
Check One: Male, Female, or Transgendered
We must treat the transgendered with compassion, but also protect the right to say there's treatment for gender confusion.
By Deborah Belonick
The Gay Man as Spiritual Adept
From the introduction to 'Gay Spirituality:' Why the author believes gay men represent the future of religion.
By Toby Johnson
Letting My Hair Down
Orthodox women must cover their hair after marriage. But after years of struggle, my feminism beat out my Orthodoxy on this one.
By Tova Mirvis
Boy-Unfriendly Places
Why are schools failing our sons?
By Charles Colson
Sex, Celibacy, and Single Life After 50
There must be a better way than asking single people to 'pray away' their sexuality. It's time to revisit the issue
By Hilda R. Davis
Christianity's Sexiest Saint
Mary of Magdala was the first to learn that Christ had risen. Feminists now look to her as they hope for other firsts
11/01/00 By Heidi Schlumpf
In the Bedroom With Bukiet
The author of 'Neurotica' explains why a nice Jewish boy would compile an anthology of Jewish erotica
By Lisa Keys
Mind, Body, and Soul
Our culture has launched an assault on the body, but it's time to reclaim our physical selves as spiritually vital to who we are
By Lilian Calles Barger
Women Clergy: The Numbers
A clear profile of women clergy is emerging: liberal, feminist, tolerant, and concerned about the poor
By Martin E. Marty
No Room for Compromise
Christianity's integrity rides on how religious people deal with gay rights
by John Shelby Spong
Gays and the Boy Scouts: Three Opinions
Disciplining an Adulterer
After my extramarital affair was discovered, God's tough love allowed me to get back another love--my husband's
By Lorrie Wilson
Gender Separation at Prayer
Keeping men and women separate in the pews fosters community--as long as the women are not left out
By Steven Greenberg
Husbands at the Helm
Make the Promise Keepers message endure by taking spiritual responsibility for your household--and its dirty dishes
By Larry A. Jackson
Dr. Laura is Wrong About Gays
By Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
In Defense of Dr. Laura
By Anne Morse
Pope Denounces Gay Pride Parade
By Candice Hughes
Requiem for a Gay Mormon
In memory of Henry Stuart Matis
By Robert A. Rees
Ten Reasons Men Shouldn't Be Ordained
By Ivan Emke
Scheherazade: Feminist Icon?
A Fictional Heroine Becomes an Inspiration to Muslim Women
By Barbara Crossette
WWJD For Women?
Jesus challenged many taboos that limited women in his time. Has his church followed through?
By Deborah Belonick
Why God Is Often a 'She'
The Scriptures abound with female imagery for the Deity. There's no reason we can't use it ourselves when thinking about God
By Elizabeth A. Johnson
Beyond Misunderstanding to Disagreement
What Really Motivates Anti-Gay Conservatives?
By Frederica Matthewes-Green
Fatherhood Turns Men to Faith
An eight-year study concludes that having children is good for the soul.
Faith of the Fatherless
Atheists often had poor relationships with their fathers.
By Anne Morse
Miracle Workers
Popular culture abounds these days with women saints of astonishing powers
By Andrew Greeley
Churches Warned of Female Burnout
Study says women are the church's 'spiritual heavyweights,' but that carrying the load comes at a price.
By Andy Butcher
Why the Gay-Bashers Are Wrong
Homosexuality is a sin, but so is venomous anti-gay rhetoric.
By the Reverend Jerry Falwell
Safe Sex Isn't Always Safe for the Soul
Women and men deserve a relationship based on self-sacrificial love, not one where sex is used as a bargaining chip
Deborah Belonick
Blessing Withdrawn
Jimmy Creech, defrocked for performing a gay marriage, on serving his church as a layperson 5/14/00
By Jimmy Creech
Consequences Unclear
Reform Judaism's gay marriage can be a success, like feminism, or a failure, like patrilineal descent
by Samuel G. Freedman
A Historic Day
A blessing to have taken part in a groundbreaking decision
by Jane Rachel Litman
A Sad Day for Judaism
OKing gay marriage ignores Jewish law and will divide Judaism
by Elliott Abrams
Defining Moment
A bat mitzvah shapes a girl into the woman she'll become.
By Tova Mirvis
Protecting Marriage
The case against gay marriage
By James Dobson
No Threat to Marriage
The case for gay marriage
By Ben Daniel
Anglican Battle Over Homosexuality Takes a 'Bizarre' Turn
By John Shelby Spong
Sex and the Single Evangelical
It's time evangelicals talked seriously about sex
By Lauren F. Winner