
This election year make sure that your vote is counted and heard in a way that represents your beliefs. Here are four ways to make sure you’re voting consistently with your values.

Do your research – Do some digging. Investigate voting patterns, platforms and the agendas they promote. Voters need straightforward facts about candidates: biographical details, stance on key issues, public comments made on policies that matter most to you and special interest ratings. It's also good to know who they’re top campaign contributors are and see how this influences their decisions.

Having the facts will help more Christians navigate around the emotional manipulation and focus primarily on finding a candidate who matches their values best. It’s the voter's responsibility to be an informed citizen. Check out votesmart.org for more information on how to get more information on politicians.

Pray for guidance – Ask God for guidance to help you with your decision. God has more wisdom and knowledge than the human mind can contain. We can never fully have all of the information on people because only God can look at the heart. That is why through prayer, we can be guided into all truth. Prayer is our divine communication tool to meet with God and glean revelation and wisdom.

Clarify your values – Know what’s most important to you and your family. Bringing clarity to your core values will help you solidify which way to vote. Having this intact will prevent drifting or being swayed by political propaganda. Doing this together as a family also teaches your children the importance of civic engagement and values representation in voting.

Let the Holy Spirit lead – Follow the Holy Spirit’s lead. We are called to live spirit-led lives and He is are personal counselor. We should not dismiss the impact of the Spirit’s power in working through public servants. It’s unwise to think that God is not concerned with the political state of our nation and our civic participation. Taking your vote seriously is vital to making sure you are voting in line with your beliefs.

Using biblical values to shape your candidate voting decision making will give you peace of mind and make sure that your family’s values are represented loud and clear on Voting Day.

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