2016-07-27 2016-07-27
Animal Nature at Abu Ghraib
Is there ever a good reason for torture? What makes some soldiers cruel and others kind? Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh on what we can learn from the abuse scandal.

What Muslims See
A Pakistani-American asks: where is the outrage among Americans? Why no marches against the prison abuse?

Evil in the Walls
Some Eastern traditions teach that buildings can absorb the "energy" of evil deeds. Did the walls of Abu Ghraib harbor the memory of Saddam's torture?

The President's Apology
The president was right to apologize to the victims of prison abuse in Iraq. My fellow conservatives misunderstand.

The Same General Boykin?
The evangelical Pentagon official nearly fired for anti-Islamic comments last year now finds himself in the thick of the Iraqi prison scandal. So far, conservative Christians stand by him.

"Jesus Was a Prisoner"
Jack Miles explains why Christian ethics demand we treat prisoners as we would the Lord.

This Shouldn't Be a Brutality Contest
We should decry the Iraqi prison abuses precisely because we are not like the barbarians who beheaded Nick Berg.

Islam Is Losing Its Way
Arab hatred of America and Israel has caused it to be self-destructive.

Bad Karma
Torturers are planting horrible seeds in their own hearts and minds. Unfortunately, the same is true for nations.

Symptom of Moral Crisis
Yes, there was systemic failure but we should be raising individuals capable of separating right from wrong anyway.

Making Someone Lower Than You
Soldiers from poor backgrounds joined the army to expand their horizons. Instead, they found themselves in Saddam's prison.

Some people are willing to believe anything America's enemies say while believing our own leaders are liars.

Original Sin in Abu Ghraib
I am horrified by the images from Iraq--but not because the evil is unfathomable to me. I see it lurking in my own deep places.

Where Are All the Good War Pictures?
Which images will survive the war: our dead, or their tortured bodies?

'Don't Turn Around'
The author of 'An American Story' says Abu Ghraib shows women haven't feminized the military enough.

Stripped of Their Humanity
The abuses in Iraq are just the latest in a long-standing pattern of dehumanizing Muslims.

Reality TV Goes to War
The 20-something soldiers we send to war aren't evil. They are morally underequipped.

Pushing the Envelope
After 9/11, both the public and our government seem willing to test the boundaries of humane interrogation An interview with military ethicist David L. Perry

World Faiths on War
David Perry outlines the major faiths' positions on wartime violence.

Is Iraq Still a Just War?
The abuse of Iraqi prisoners has robbed America of the moral high ground. Can I still support the war?

Torture and Responsibility in Iraq
The torture was perpetrated by good soldiers who have become dehumanized through combat stress and training.

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