This is a copy of an e-mail sent to Vermont Bishop Thomas Ely late Sunday night from a man identified as David Lewis. In the email, he accuses New Hampshire bishop-elect Gene Robinson of fondling him two years ago. The email was distributed at a news conference Monday at the Episcopal Church General Convention.

On Sun, 3 Aug 2003 20:54:02 - 0400 "David & Rose Perfect Lewis" writes:

I did not believe it would come to this.

PLEASE DO allow the development of some sort of blessing of committed same-sex relationships. That symbolism is important and overdue.

However, PLEASE DO NOT consent to the consecration of Gene Robinson as a bishop. Better a suspension of all the rules and tradition and a draft of Louie Crew from the floor than approval of Gene Robinson!

If you knew that a married straight male priest known for big parish leadership and fundraising as well as prophetic theological outspokenness was also a grab-assing skirt-chaser whose improprieties had nearly brought law suits against the church, would you even hesitate to withhold consent for such a priest to be consecrated a bishop in the apostolic succession?

Well, as outstanding as Gene Robineson may have been thus far as a priest and diocesan administrator, my personal experience of him is that he does not maintain appropriate boundaries with men. I believe this is an alarming weakness of character that alone makes Gene unsuitable for the office of bishop.

When I first encountered Gene at a Province I convocation a couple of years ago he put his hands on me inappropriately every time I engaged him in conversation. NO GAY MAN HAS EVER BEHAVED TOWARDS ME THIS WAY -- and I have had over 25 years of associations with gay male colleagues in the Boston, New York, Los Angeles, and San Diego show business communities.

If I were a straight woman reporting heterosexual harassment by a straight male priest, would you heitate to take the matter seriously? Well, I am a straight man reporting homosexual harassment by a gay male priest from another diocese.

Now I thank you for your prayerful consideration before you vote.

David Lewis

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