Where You Can Give
Anticipating a huge Iraqi refugee and hunger crisis, many charities have begun special Iraq campaigns. Here are a few collecting money to help Iraqis in need:
Iraq Resources from Network for Good
Complete list of donation and volunteer opportunities to help the humanitarian aid effort.
AmeriCares has been preparing for Iraq refugee crisis by providing disaster relief supplies, including blankets, water containers, clothing, and medicine, to staging areas in Turkey.
Save the Children
Donate to the Iraq Children in Crisis Fund.
All Our Children Campaign
Sponsored by a coalition of Christian groups to support health initiatives for Iraqi children.
CARE International Programs in Iraq
CARE's programs in Iraq provide food to pediatric hospitals, rehabilitation services, and educational materials for teachers.
Food for the Hungry
Planning to help Iraqi refugees fleeing into Jordan.
United Methodist Committee on Relief
UMCOR's Iraq emergency campaign provides direct food aid, tents and blankets, medicine and relief kits to the people of Iraq.
Mercy Corps Iraq
Providing food and medical assistance to people in Northern Iraq.
World Vision
Providing 'Family Survival Kits' for Iraqi refugees.
UNICEF in Iraq
The U.N. children's relief arm is active in humanitarian causes in Iraq.
Stop Hunger Now Iraq Crisis Appeal
The organization is soliciting donations for its 20-4-4 Iraq Crisis Appeal. With $20 donations, it can provide a family of four food for four weeks.
Support the Troops
Many communities hold local rallies to support American troops overseas. There are also ways to show support financially. Here are a few organizations helping military families.
Resources from Network for Good
Listing of organizations collecting donations for supporting the troops and military relief societies. Also lists volunteer opportunities, such as ways to e-mail men & women in the military.
Defend America
Resources and links from the U.S. Department of Defense.
On the Homefront
Resources from the USA Freedom Corps.
Feed the Children
Feed the Children is supporting American troops by providing food to military families.
Operation USO Care Package
Donations support care packages that will be delivered to service members en route to overseas destinations.
American Red Cross Services for the Military
The Red Cross provides communication services to link members of the military with their families during emergency situations. Individual chapters offer military support groups.
Four Ways to Support the Military
Suggestions from The Lutheran magazine.
Campus Crusade's Military Ministry Appeal
The Campus Crusade for Christ is soliciting donations for its 'Rapid Deployment Kits,' which include a camouflage New Testament, to deliver to troops overseas.
Peace Vigils
As war begins, peace activists continue to plan protests and vigils. Some selected activities are below:
MoveOn.org: Put a Light in Your Window
Effort to show continuing committment to peace.
Day After Events
United for Peace and Justice provides listings of peace events to be held the day after war starts.
United for Peace Resolution
Petition for the U.N. General Assembly to adopt a peace resolution.