To: Friends and Supporters of the Campaign for Working Families

From: Gary L. Bauer, Chairman

Date: Friday, June 7, 2002

Three hundred seventy-seven days ago, Christian missionaries Martin and Gracia Burnham were kidnapped by Muslim guerillas in the Southern Philippines. In a rescue attempt today by Philippine soldiers, their ordeal ended with Martin dying in the crossfire and Gracia suffering an apparently non-life threatening leg wound. Our hearts go out to their children and friends. This brave couple had been through hell, but never wavered in their faith.

Martin now joins the lengthening list of victims or true martyrs who have died at the hands of radical [Muslims], dedicated to spreading their twisted ideas by the sword. They killed thousands here on Sept. 11. They have killed millions in Sudan while world leaders dither. They bomb churches and synagogues around the world and it will happen here soon. They decapitated Daniel Pearl after making him "confess," "I am a Jew." They wrap their children with explosives and then send them to blow themselves up at pizza parlors, shopping malls and religious celebrations. And still their bloodlust grows.

Meanwhile, Here In Fantasyland

Yesterday's congressional testimony by FBI Director Robert Mueller was enough to make any rational citizen cry. He is, after all, "our guy" - not a Clinton appointee and by most accounts he is a good and decent man. This "good man" was able yesterday, without embarrassment, to tell senators that his agents did not follow up on reports of unusual Arab students at U.S. flight schools because they feared "that action may be perceived as profiling." Yet, moments later Mueller assured the senators that the FBI "is against, has been and will be against any kind of profiling."

Are government officials, including Mueller, incapable of making this simple logical sequence: A gang composed of Muslim, mostly Arab, terrorists has launched over 30 attacks on the U.S. in the last 15 years, killing thousands. They are warning us from the caves they are currently hiding in that even worse attacks are planned. Our "intelligence" tells us the threats are real. Thus, (and this is apparently the "hard part") the government officials charged with protecting the American people should then decide to direct their limited financial and manpower resources in the direction where the greatest danger is likely to spring--not from Norwegians or Danes or elderly ladies--but from relatively young Muslim, Arab men from "suspect" countries.

I can only conclude that as of 4:00 pm yesterday, the Director of the FBI and the administration he serves is still more afraid of the ACLU and Ted Kennedy than they are of Al Qaeda.

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