2016-07-27 2016-07-27
Paris, June 21--(AP) A French judge on Friday refused to stop distribution of a book that anti-racism campaigners claim incites hatred against Muslims. The judge in Paris sent the case to another court that will hear arguments in greater detail. That hearing is set for July 10.

The Movement Against Racism and for Friendship Between People, or MRAP, is seeking a French ban on "The Rage and the Pride," by Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci. In one passage the Movement Against Racism objects to, Fallaci wrote that Muslims "multiply like rats." In another, she says "the children of Allah spend their time with their bottoms in the air, praying five times a day."

Fallaci, a former Resistance fighter and war correspondent best known for her uncompromising interviews with world leaders, ended a decade-long, self-imposed silence after Sept. 11 by writing the book in angry reaction to the terrorist attacks in New York, where she lives.

Critics accused her of writing an anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant tirade. She has said she may sue MRAP for calling her book racist.

The book is due to be published in the United States in September.

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