Muslims are seething at CNN and MTV after the cable-TV giants teamed up to surprise sheltered Afghan kids with sexy, skin-baring photos of Jennifer Lopez and get their reactions on camera. In the segment aired on CNN last night, reporter Jason Bellini whipped out an American teen magazine featuring J.Lo, showed it to traditionally dressed Afghan teens and asked: "What do you think?"

The jolted youngsters told Bellini that while J.Lo was "very beautiful," she would "never be allowed to dress like that here because her outfit exposes her belly." Disgusted Muslim leaders said the interviews, produced and edited by MTV and aired on CNN's "Newsnight with Aaron Brown," were disrespectful. "I'm surprised a CNN correspondent would not be sensitive to Muslim issues. He should have known better," fumed Dr. Sayyid Syeed, general secretary of the Islamic Society of North America. "You have to know what the limits are. That's why I think that all journalists should take courses in Islam - Islam 101."

A CNN spokeswoman said the newsman, formerly at MTV, had used the magazine with J.Lo's image as a prop to quiz the kids about their knowledge of American pop stars. "It was not Jason's intention to be disrespectful. CNN prides itself on its commitment to treat all cultures with respect," she insisted in a prepared statement. An MTV spokesman added: "There is absolutely no disrespect intended."

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