2016-07-27 2016-07-27
Montgomery, Ala., Oct. 24--(AP) An anti-abortion group won approval Tuesday for an official Alabama license plate proclaiming "Choose Life"--a slogan that has prompted lawsuits when authorized for tags in other states.

The Alabama Pro-Life Coalition Education Fund got the Legislature's License Plate Oversight Committee to approve the bright yellow ``Choose Life'' tag 6-3. The state will print the plates when 1,000 motorists each pay $50 in advance to order a tag.

Legislatures in Florida, South Carolina and Louisiana have approved "Choose Life" license plates. All are being challenged in court, and Florida's tag is the only one that has appeared on cars.

In Alabama, the license plate committee--a panel of legislators, state leaders and county tag officials--can approve a specialty tag without a vote of the full Legislature. The tags can be used by educational and nonprofit groups to raise money.

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