2016-07-27 2016-07-27
BRATISLAVA, Slovakia (AP) -- A party of Slovakia's ruling coalition is opposing government plans to introduce yoga classes in primary schools, the daily Pravda reported Thursday. Plans to introduce yoga to gym classes have been already criticized by the Slovak Catholic church. Now the Christian Democratic Movement, one of the ruling coalition parties, said it might not support the coalition in parliament, if plans to bring yoga into schools were not canceled. "We see this as a continuation of liquidation of Christianity in Slovakia," party chairman Pavol Hrusovsky is quoted as saying. "We consider this as a very serious problem, not only ideological, but also political." Other coalition members have so far not reacted to this demand. According to Webster's New World Dictionary, yoga is a "mystic and ascetic Hindu discipline by which one seeks to achieve liberation of the self and union with the supreme spirit or universal soul." In Europe, yoga is better known as a combination of specific exercises, controlled breathing and meditation. The Christian Democrats, one of the smallest parties within the ruling coalition, are known for their strong devotion to Christian values. Earlier this year, they have tried to ban abortions in this country of 5.4 million, but failed to force this ban to the country's constitution. Yoga is to be introduced at schools as of next year. Some 400 teachers have been trained to introduce yoga to gym classes.
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