AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, July 28 (AP)--Though health problems have forced the Rev. Billy Graham to miss a world conference he organized for 10,000 fellow evangelists, he hopes to continue preaching through 2002, his son and designated successor Franklin Graham said Friday.

"The doctors feel he can have a very productive ministry the next couple years," the younger Graham told a press conference the day before the "Amsterdam 2000" conference opened.

Billy Graham, 81, is scheduled to hold a revival meeting in Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. 2-5, and Franklin said his organization is now actively discussing events for 2001 and 2002.

Billy Graham will speak to the evangelists by satellite TV Saturday night from Rochester, Minn., where he is undergoing outpatient therapy at the Mayo Clinic after treatment for a blockage of fluid to the brain. He also has Parkinson's disease.

He also plans to monitor the nine-day event by satellite and give closing remarks Aug. 6.

Mayo Clinic doctors decided Billy should not interrupt his daily outpatient therapy to come to Amsterdam, Franklin said. "They don't think it's worth the risk."

Will he ignore doctors' advice and come anyway? "I don't think so," said Franklin, despite his father's disappointment.

The Amsterdam conference is the latest and the last in a series of world meetings Billy Graham has held for evangelical Protestants. The Graham organization, based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, raised $40 million to stage the event.

Franklin Graham is flying back to the U.S. to deliver the closing prayer at the Republican Party convention after Laura Bush speaks Monday night.

"I believe it's important to be able to lead the country in prayer on such an important night," Franklin said, explaining why he would be missing a day of the conference.

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