2016-07-27 2016-07-27

Beliefnet columnists and other writers comment on Al Gore's selection of Sen. Joseph Lieberman, an Orthodox Jew, as his running mate. Read the articles and join the discussion.

News coverage from the Associated Press

Bad for the Jews, Bad for the Country
Joseph Lieberman has strayed from the best aspects of Jewish tradition
By Rabbi Michael Lerner

Family Values? Compassion? Vote for the Orthodox Guy
Senator Lieberman's faith gives moral weight to the Democratic ticket
By Rabbi Shmuley Boteach

What's an Orthodox Jew?
As a modern Orthodox Jew, Lieberman navigates two worlds
By Michael Kress

Why Christian Conservatives Like Lieberman, but Won't Vote for Him
They may admire Lieberman's private life, but not his voting record--especially on abortion
By Rod Dreher

Tipper and Hadassah: Second Ladies Club
Hillary and Tipper seemed like sisters. This time the Dem's campaign bus will be an experiment in diversity. A chart of the differences between Tipper Gore and Hadassah Lieberman

Little Fanfare for One of Their Boys
Orthodox groups have downplayed Lieberman's religion, while non-Orthodox ones have gushed. What are the Orthodox afraid of?
By Ari L. Goldman

A Choice That Will Alienate Blacks
Blacks may think Gore has snubbed them in picking Lieberman--especially when an African-American wasn't in the running
By Armstrong Williams

Maybe All Politicians Should Observe the Sabbath
Lieberman's religious observance hasn't hindered his ability to serve the public. It may even enhance it
By Joseph Telushkin

A Deathblow Against Anti-Semitism
Candidate Lieberman has the opportunity, virtually unparalleled in world history, to strike a blow against 'the longest hatred'
By Rabbi David Wolpe

How Jews Win in Christian States
Like Kansas' Daniel Glickman, Lieberman won in a traditionalist Christian state partly by playing against type
By Gregg Easterbrook

The Lieberman Advantage
Why Lieberman was a smart choice
By Ed Kilgore

Will Muslims Turn to George W. Bush?
With the nomination of an Orthodox Jew to the Democratic ticket, will Muslims turn to the Republican Party? Not necessarily
By Rhonda Roumani

How Will He Play in the Bible Belt?
Despite a few awkward moments, Southerners welcome Jewish politicians
By Lauren F. Winner

The Six Degrees of Joe Lieberman
With one of their own up for veep, Jews are thrilled. They're also worried that Lieberman's failings could be blamed on them all
By Tova Mirvis

Poll: Gore Almost Overtakes Bush After Choosing Lieberman as VP
Public says Lieberman's being Jewish makes no difference; Bush's lead narrows dramatically among registered voters
By David W. Moore

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