AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, August 4 (AP)--The Rev. Billy Graham's mass conference for evangelical Protestants from 209 nations and territories will conclude Sunday by issuing two statements defining the growing global evangelical movement.
On Thursday, 1,000 participants who have been meeting in three task groups all week were handed a 6,000-word first draft of the "Amsterdam Declaration: A Charter for Evangelism in the 21st Century" that will summarize their discussions.
In addition, all 10,300 participants at the Amsterdam conference will receive a one-page "Covenant of Commitment" and be invited to sign it as a personal pledge before God. No tabulation of signers' names or numbers is planned.
Two previous Graham-sponsored international conferences have issued similar statements. A 1974 gathering in Switzerland produced the "Lausanne Covenant," defining evangelical faith, and a 1983 conference here issued the "Amsterdam Affirmations," a code of conduct for evangelists.
On Friday, evangelical leaders from Hong Kong and South Korea spoke at a media conference and expressed optimism about Christianity's prospects under communist regimes.
Philemon Choi, a former physician who leads a youth ministry in Hong Kong, said, "By God's grace we have retained freedom to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ" since Hong Kong's 1997 takeover by the communist mainland.
Choi said the prospect of the 1997 change caused unprecedented unity among the city's evangelical groups.
Though foreigners are not permitted to come in for evangelistic meetings, he said, local Christians remain active. He said an interdenominational revival meeting in July drew 40,000 young people over four nights.
The Rev. Billy Kim, pastor of a 13,000-member Baptist congregation in South Korea, said his country has the world's largest congregations of such Western-born denominations as Presbyterian, Methodist, and Assemblies of God.
"When the doors open in North Korea, we will all be ready to evangelize after being robbed of this opportunity the last 60 years," Kim said.
Graham, who called the meeting, is in Rochester, Minn., recovering from surgery and has been unable to attend.