Municipal Jerusalem Site
Gush Shalom's "Our Jerusalem" Page
An Arab-Israeli peace organization promoting a unified Jerusalem that is the capital of two states. The site proclaims, "Jerusalem is ours, Israelis and Palestinians--Muslims, Christians, and Jews."
The History Channel's Jerusalem Exhibit: Three Religions, One Holy City
CNN's Camp David 2000 Feature
Includes an "Issues" section, with summaries of the Israeli and Palestinian positions on Jerusalem
Jerusalem Post Supplement
Special feature on how Jerusalem residents feel about the division of the Old City
Palestinian National Authority Site
Kotel Kam
Updated every few seconds, this site allows users to view prayers, celebrations, and ceremonies taking place at the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site.
Jerusalem: Why Does It Matter?
An essay from Aish HaTorah, a network of Jewish educational centers
Aish HaTorah's Tisha B'Av Feature
An explanation of the holiday that commemorates the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and other disasters in Jewish history
Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
"Jerusalem in International Diplomacy," a detailed article about the positions of the principal parties on the Jerusalem question. By Dore Gold, former Israeli ambassador to the United Nations
Jerusalem of Gold
A site dedicated to the popular song
Psalm 137
Text of the Psalm that includes the famous line, "If I forget thee, o Jerusalem..."
History Channel: Jerusalem and Judaism
Zionist Organization of America
The organization's press release on the status of Jerusalem, entitled, "Why All of Jerusalem Is Ours."
Still Fighting for Jerusalem
An article by Ariel Sharon, Likud Party leader and former foreign minister of Israel
Americans for Peace Now
A leading U.S. advocate for peace in the Middle East. The American arm of the Israeli organization Peace Now
The Dome of the Rock
A history and introduction to the third holiest site in Islam, located on Jerusalem's Temple Mount
The Dome of the Rock: An Atypical Mosque
Background on the Dome of the Rock and explanation of its architecture
A Muslim Pilgrimage in Jerusalem
Click on the interactive map to learn more about Muslim holy sites, including the Temple Mount, al-Aqsa mosque, and the Dome of the Rock.
Significance of Jerusalem in Islam
Information from American Muslims for Jerusalem
Site with many articles about how Palestinians, both Muslim and Christian, feel about Jerusalem. The mission statement notes, "Jerusalem is the embodiment and symbol of Palestine. Therefore, when speaking about Jerusalem it applies to Palestine as a whole." The site invites users to share what Jerusalem means to them in the ongoing forum.
History Channel: Jerusalem and Islam
The Palestine Information Center
Provides news updates, analyses, and resources. The site's Jerusalem section has many articles about the city's place in Arab and Muslim history.
Homepage of the militant Islamic Resistance Movement. Includes statements on Camp David and the status of Jerusalem
Church of the Holy Sepulchre: A 360-degree Tour
View of the outside of this Christian holy site, the place of the crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus
Via Dolorosa
A photo gallery and explanation of Via Dolorosa, the street where Christians believe Jesus walked on his way to crucifixion
International Christian Embassy Jerusalem
Christian supporters of Israel. The organization supports Jerusalem as the capital of a Jewish state
Christian Holy Sites
A photo gallery of many places important to Christianity in Jerusalem
Holy Sepulchre
Links to other Holy Sepulchre websites
History Channel: Jerusalem and Christianity
Armenians in the Holy Land
A map and history of the Armenian Quarter in Jerusalem
Armenian Quarter
Brief description of the Armenian Quarter, with related links
Armenian Patriarchate of St. James in Jerusalem
Includes information about the patriarchate and a detailed history of the Armenian presence in the Holy Land since 254 C.E.