BALTIMORE, May 30 (AP)--A Catholic priest said Tuesday he will adhere to a Vatican order that he not discuss homosexuality or the decade-long process that led church authorities to end his ministry to gays and lesbians.

The Rev. Robert Nugent said he will abide by the decision issued last week by the Vatican, silencing him and Sister Jeannine Gramick. Nugent and Gramick established the New Ways Ministry in Mt. Rainier, Md., in 1977 as a center for gay and lesbian Catholics.

Both were informed last July in a Vatican decision, known as a "notification," that they had to stop their ministry. However, the two publicly discussed the process that led to the edict, and continued to speak about homosexuality in accordance, they said, with their interpretation of the notification.

Nugent and Gramick were summoned to Rome last week and informed of the Vatican's latest decision by their respective religious orders.

"I am now prohibited from speaking or writing in the public forum about the Notification itself, about the ecclesiastical process that led to it, or about the issue of homosexuality," Nugent said in a short statement sent to The Associated Press Tuesday.

He referred to his statement when reached for comment.

Gramick said last week that she would not follow the Vatican decision--a move that could jeopardize her 40-year membership in her order, the School Sisters of Notre Dame.

Roman Catholic doctrine condemns homosexual acts but says that gays and lesbians should not be shunned by the church.

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