WASHINGTON, May 15 (AP)--Blacks feel no other racial or ethnic group is discriminated against more than they. And the rest of America agrees.
Persistent remnants of racial discrimination against blacks are among the findings in a new national survey on racial, ethnic, religious and social attitudes.
Asked about groups that had suffered either a great deal or some discrimination in American society, 83 percent of all those questioned said blacks were discrimination victims, in a survey released Monday by the National Conference for Community and Justice.
Hispanics were next with 76 percent of those questioned feeling the group faced at least some discrimination. Women and Native Americans were next with 67 percent of those questioned believing they faced at least some discrimination.
Blacks say there is plenty of truth behind the perceptions of unequal treatment.
Whether it was at the corner grocery store, at work or in a local eatery, black Americans said they experienced discrimination more in the last 30 days than any other racial or ethnic group.
Only 13 percent of whites said they were discriminated against in the past month, compared to 42 percent of blacks. Meanwhile, 31 percent of Asians reported being discriminated against in the last month and 16 percent of Hispanics reported the same.
``This nation continues to be plagued by too much discrimination in our daily lives,'' said Sanford Cloud Jr., president of the NCCJ, a national human rights organization formerly known as the National Conference of Christians and Jews.
``It touches all groups but creates an especially wide gulf between whites and blacks in this country,'' Cloud said.
One solution to helping American bridge its racial divide would be open, honest and what might be painful conversations across racial, political, ethnic and gender lines, Cloud said.
``Discussions have to be held in environments that allow people to be comfortable,'' Cloud said. ``People have to feel as though they aren't going to be threatened or beat up during a frank conversation.''
When the question was taken beyond racial and ethnic groups, gay Americans are perceived to be the victims of discrimination in greater numbers than blacks, Jews or immigrants.
Half of those surveyed said they believe gays and lesbians were victimized by ``a great deal'' of discrimination in American society.
Blacks were thought to be greatly victimized by 34 percent of those questioned, followed by the poor with 32 percent and people on welfare by 27 percent.
The study also found whites are far more satisfied in what they earn, where they live and how they make a living.
Just 49 percent of blacks reported satisfaction with their household income compared to 72 percent of whites. More than nine of 10 whites are satisfied with their housing compared to 77 percent of blacks. And 88 percent of whites expressed satisfaction with their jobs compared to 74 percent of blacks.
The telephone survey was conducted between January 20 and March 19 with a total of 2,584 people surveyed. The margin of sampling variance is plus/minus four percentage points.
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