In his latest newsletter to supporters, Falwell last week announced he would "devote the next seven months of my life to--once again--attempting to energize, inform and mobilize" religious conservatives. The new effort marks a new phase in his career. He had disbanded the Moral Majority in 1989 and seemed to have been eclipsed in the last decade by Pat Robertson and the Christian Coalition.

But, he says, he has become alarmed by the attacks on religious conservatives during the political campaign. "Because I am obsessed and driven by this new burden, I am therefore announcing a seven-month campaign, ending November 7 (Election Day), which I am calling PEOPLE OF FAITH 2000."

The full, unedited text of Falwell's note to supporters, reprinted with permission from Falwell:

TO: "Falwell Confidential"
DATE: March 9, 2000
FROM: Jerry Falwell

CALLING TEN MILLION NEW VOTERS TO POLITICAL ACTION: I am officially announcing the formation of a seven-month campaign -- a movement to reclaim America as one nation under God. I call this movement PEOPLE OF FAITH 2000. With this movement, it is my intent to bring TEN MILLION people of faith -- people who have never before voted -- to the polls on November 7, 2000. In recent days, certain elements in both major political parties have made it clear that people of faith are persona non grata in the American electoral process. Sen. John McCain was passionate when he attacked Pat Robertson and me in his now-famous Virginia Beach speech -- which was followed the next day by huge losses in Virginia, Washington and North Dakota -- and the "crash and burn" of his total campaign a few days later.

Meanwhile, Vice President Al Gore, in his LA Times/CNN debate with Sen. Bradley, told of an alleged private meeting between Governor Bush, Pat Robertson and me, from which Pat and I emerged telling the Governor we were pleased with what we had heard. However, I can assure you that no such meeting ever occurred -- just as Mr. Gore did not invent the Internet, nor was "Love Story" based on his and Tipper's relationship. By fabricating this false story in a national forum, Gore sent a clear signal that religious conservatives will be under a focused and dangerous siege until at least November 7. Likewise, the national media is in almost unanimous agreement that the "religious right" has no business participating in the political arena. Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson and other liberal ministers are heroes of the left while social conservatives are anathema.

In fact, the demonization of conservative people of faith is being accelerated in the Congress as well as in the media. Some leftists in the Congress are now talking seriously of passing a resolution condemning Bob Jones University as a result of Governor Bush's speech there. Be assured, the vitriolic and anti-evangelical attacks will continue elsewhere. As I have watched with deep concern the orchestrated plans of liberals and civil libertarians to demonize and marginalize people of faith, I have arrived at the same conclusion I reached over 20 years ago when I formed the Moral Majority. Over 100,000 pastors, priests and rabbis, plus seven million religious conservative grassroots laypeople, joined forces more than two decades ago. Between 1979 and 1984, we registered over 8.5 million new voters through the churches and religious organizations and re-activated millions more back into the political arena!

As a result, Ronald Reagan was elected to two terms in the White House and a new and more conservative Congress was swept into power. I dismantled Moral Majority in 1989, feeling I had fulfilled this commitment, and returned to my first love -- serving as pastor of Thomas Road Baptist Church and chancellor of Liberty University. In recent times, however, the same burden that drove me to create the Moral Majority 20 years ago has returned to weigh heavily upon my heart. America -- her families and children -- is again in serious moral and spiritual condition. Worse, people of faith are being attacked openly and often, and a concerted and frightening effort is being made on many fronts to force religious conservatives into a status of second-class citizenship. (If you don't believe this, look into the current demonization of Dr. Laura Schlessinger, as her new television series is being fiercely attacked by homosexuals who hate her Judeo-Christian stand.)

We cannot remain silent while our rights are stripped away. People of faith in America must arise and be counted. This nation under God desperately needs our participation today. According to many network exit polls in several states during the McCain/Bush primaries, about 20% of voters identified themselves as members of the "religious right." They voted overwhelmingly for George W. Bush, having been angered by McCain's statements which they considered anti-Christian. Many of the commentators referred to the "Christian backlash" suffered by McCain, which may have cost him the Republican nomination. I consider Sen. McCain an American hero for his service to our nation, and I sincerely hope he and Gov. Bush can be reconciled and work together in the general election. However, all of America was reminded of what Sen. McCain apparently forgot -- that about 20% of the total electorate is comprised of religious conservatives. This is, by far, the largest minority voting bloc in America. This bloc can always make the difference in a presidential election and in the congressional elections, if we are truly energized and totally involved.

Because I am obsessed and driven by this new burden, I am therefore announcing a seven-month campaign, ending November 7 (Election Day), which I am calling PEOPLE OF FAITH 2000. I am not creating a new organization. PEOPLE OF FAITH 2000 is a movement! My permanent and primary focus must remain my Christian ministry, serving Christ as pastor and chancellor. But, I will devote the next seven months of my life to -- once again -- attempting to energize, inform and mobilize the 70 million religious conservatives in America in such a way that the November 7, 2000 election results will be historic. The goals of PEOPLE OF FAITH 2000 are defined and simple:

(1) A call to national prayer for the 200,000 ministers, and their congregations, who receive my newspaper, National Liberty Journal, other publications and media ministries. If millions pray daily for America, based on II Chronicles 7:14, this nation can again return to its spiritual roots. America can once again become one nation under God!

(2) We will attempt to register and bring to the polls, in November, at least TEN MILLION Americans who would not have voted otherwise. With motor-voter registration now uniformly legalized in all states, we will challenge and train 200,000 pastors to plan several "Citizenship Days" between now and the fall, during which we will literally register ten million new voters right in the pews. An average of 50 new voters per congregation will achieve our goal.

(3) Further, we will actively urge all registered, but apathetic, voters to also fulfill their Christian duty by voting this year. I have already begun putting together the infrastructure for this seven-month campaign. Many of the people who helped me 20 years ago with the formation of Moral Majority have persistently urged me to do what I am now announcing. They have assured me they will immediately "report for duty," if I will provide the leadership. It is most encouraging indeed. Obviously, we will not endorse or oppose any congressional, presidential or other candidates. This is not allowed by law. Only liberal clergymen and religious organizations can endorse candidates and raise church funds for candidacies without civil or criminal repercussion.

We do not need to break any rules. If people of faith pray, God will - without doubt - lead them in making good decisions. And if millions of people of faith vote - with hearts of prayer - I believe we can all live with the November results. Those wishing to learn more about PEOPLE OF FAITH 2000 may visit my website: http://www.falwell.com.

GOD, THE DEVIL, AND BLASPHEMY: Thursday night's premiere episode of NBC's "God, the Devil and Bob," an animated sitcom, is proof that no matter how far the networks go in their continuing exploration of offensiveness and sacrilege, there is always a new echelon of blasphemy on the horizon. According to pre-broadcast reviews, the series features "dance nights" in hell, a beer-swilling, quirky God who performs non-"heavy-handed" miracles, and a martini-drinking, disguise-artist Devil. In a future episode, we learn that God has a girlfriend. Reviewers have described the series as whimsical, but the fact is that these types of shows do nothing but diminish the magnitude of almighty God in the minds of naive viewers. You will recall that the network last year also produced an astonishingly inaccurate depiction of the Genesis flood in a miniseries.

Why can't the networks present a modicum of balance in their presentation of God and those who choose to follow Him? While the networks continue their mocking tone (in the name of entertainment), I choose to promote and honor the holy, perfect, blameless God of the Bible - the One who enables us to "come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:16) I urge all my readers to watch the show tonight and decide for yourself if this series crosses the bounds of blasphemy.

If you agree that it is, I encourage you to contact NBC and considerately voice your concerns. You may call NBC's National Programming Department at 212-664-2333. One of my staff members was told today NBC has not set up a specific e-mail site for "God, the Devil and Bob," but you can utilize the network's general programming e-mail address: [email protected]. You may also locate the e-mail address and mailing address of your local NBC station at: http://www.nbc.com/stations/ Some local stations have already refused to air this series.

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