2016-07-27 2016-07-27
Former Dallas Cowboys coach Tom Landry, who died Saturday at age 75 from leukemia, was a deeply religious man who worked tirelessly for Christian causes once his football days were over.

He told interviewers after his fifth and final Super Bowl appearance in 1979 that he believed his destiny always had been controlled by a power greater than the Cowboys' ability to win football games.

"As a Christian, I know my life is in God's hands," Landry said then. "He has a plan for me. Therefore, I never worry about tomorrow or never worry about winning or losing football games. That knowledge gives me a lot of composure in tough situations."

Following Landry's death, former Cowboys general manager Tex Schramm told the Dallas Morning News: "Tom was a very unique individual in that he had two very strong feelings; one was for football and the other about Christianity. The manifestation of his great faith was his ability to coach one of the roughest sports on Earth and maintain his beliefs."

Since 1989, Mr. Landry had devoted his time to speaking engagements and to appearances on behalf of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, evangelist Billy Graham and the Lisa Landry Childress (Cancer) Foundation, as well as to business interests with his son, Tom Jr.

"The death of Tom Landry has come as a shock to me and to Christians everywhere. Tom was one of the greatest Christian gentlemen I ever knew," Graham said.

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