JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) - In what could be his final rally, the Rev. Billy Graham plans to hold a four-day religious revival in Alltel Stadium this fall.
``I consider it a great privilege and a joy to accept an invitation to conduct a crusade in Jacksonville,'' the 81-year-old evangelist said in a statement Tuesday. ``Due to my age, and health, this could possibly be my last major citywide crusade.''
Graham, who suffers from Parkinson's disease, has found that his balance has been affected, said Cliff Barrows, the ministry's music director.
He has been receiving treatment and therapy from Mayo Clinic doctors in Minnesota and Jacksonville.
The dates of the fall gathering will be set after the National Football League schedule is published in April to avoid a conflict with Jaguars games in their home stadium. The preferred dates are Nov. 2-5.

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