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After Sgt. Joey Johnson, a veteran who served in Afghanistan returned home, he suffered from a spinal injury in a motorcycle accident just four months before meeting his future wife, Michelle. Today, he is confined to a wheelchair. But he didn’t let his accident stop him from making his wife’s first dance dream come true.

On the day of her wedding, her mother and new mother-in-law had her step away while Joey and others set everything in motion. When she returned he was standing on the dance floor, waiting for her.

“Everyone was crying in the room,” she told ABC News in her interview.

While Joey generally isn’t the best at keeping secrets, he really pulled this one off.

“If you know Joey, he cannot keep a secret,” Michelle said. “But he made my dreams come true and I never knew how special our day would really be.”

Watch this beautiful moment unfold in the video above.

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