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There’s only one secret to lasting love. And here it is: There’s no secret at all.

Like most things in life, anything worth having takes effort, commitment and a dose of faith. Love is the same way. Or at least that’s been my experience with love.

Trust me; I’m no expert on love or relationships. But after sharing the last 29 years with my wife, I’ve learned a few things.

 I’ve learned that what makes love last isn’t shrouded in a secret; it is intentional, deliberate and desired. I’ve learned that love comes from a place of want, not need. And I’ve learned that love isn’t about obligation; it’s about giving and receiving happiness freely.

Somewhere along the way my wife and I found a rhythm that works for us. So, here’s our rhythm for making love last. You are welcome to join along:

What makes love last is having the courage to look into your partner’s dark, secret places without blinking.

What makes love last is helping each other with the mundane; not because it’s expected, but because it’s natural.

What makes love last is seeing the faults in your partner as a reminder of their beautiful human dignity.

What makes love last is sharing a sweet kiss every day.

 What makes love last isn’t about avoiding conflict; it’s about finding the way to win-win.

What makes love last is giving grace when requested and forgiveness when needed.

What makes love last is remaining faithful when the world tempts you.

What makes love last is cherishing the small things.

What makes love last is investing heartfelt emotion during the most intimate moment.

What makes love last is taking advantage of the opportunity to express your love by emptying your heart and then watching as your partner fills it back up again.

What makes love last is willing to give it all away, but holding on to love until the end.

To read more from Alex Blackwel, visit his blog, "Everyday Inspiration," on Beliefnet.

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