2017-07-27 2017-07-27

The Fourth of July. It doesn’t get more ambiguous than that. By name, it’s no more distinguished than the Third of June. For a day that’s symbolized by fireworks more than anything else, it would be great to inject a little substance into our celebrations this year.

Before our heads are tilted back at 45 degrees toward the sky this Independence Day with loved ones and friends, taking the time to put this significant holiday into perspective could be a platform to build and share our faith.

How many of us knew that 97 percent of our Founding Fathers were practicing Christians who based the principles that govern this nation today on the Bible? No other modern nation has enjoyed such prominence and prosperity as long as the United States, which came to fruition 237 years ago in a quest to live out one’s faith freely without the oppressive governance of England and its church.

So where can we learn more about our Christian roots as a nation in preparation for Independence Day? Here are a few good places to start:

· Visit David Barton’s Wallbuilders.com, which celebrates America’s forgotten history and heroes as it strives to reintroduce people to the moral, religious and constitutional foundation of our nation.

· Go to the library and check out books about our nation’s heritage, the Revolutionary War and our Founding Fathers.

· If you’re in the southern or eastern regions of the United States, visit one of the many Revolutionary War memorial or battle sites and check out times for reenactments.

· If you’re in the western U.S., go to an American history museum and explore exhibits designated to walk you through the birth of our nation.

· Watch Drive Thru History: Discovering America’s Founders (DVD)

· Bake cookies, cakes or cupcakes with patriotic symbols such as the American flag or bald eagle and discuss their symbolism and how they’re tied to our shared values as a country

· Go over the lyrics of the entire National Anthem (or Star-Spangled Banner) and its root in God, as well as its reference to “rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,” so everyone understands the true significance of the fireworks you’ll be watching later in the night.

And the liberty we celebrate this Independence Day can also be used to remind us of the freedom Jesus Christ purchased for us through dying on the cross for our sins.

As we watch spectacular fireworks exploding on the 4th – which symbolize bombs destroying the enemy’s destructive forces – let’s take a minute to reflect on the power of Jesus’s crucifixion that ripped apart the chains of death and devastated Satan’s plans for mankind.

So this Fourth of July, hopefully you’ll have a lot more to celebrate than just fireworks!

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